Where the **** Have I Been?! (Plus a very delayed gift)

Where the **** Have I Been?! (Plus a very delayed gift)

Wait! Before you click away, I want to start off by saying I’m sorry.

Let me explain.

I mean this as sincerely as possible. Life has a way of life-ing and it’s taken me away from what I loved the most. This. Writing, creating worlds, and interacting with new people. I didn’t want to let it get in the way but some things are unavoidable.

I’ll make a long story short and bearable, at the risk of retrodding old territory. While I’ve been away I had some medical issues come up and get addressed, I’ve gotten some diagnoses, and I’ve started a job that’s honestly not been great for my health, but the consistency of income has been great. However, it leaves me mentally drained. It’s intense and isolating at worst and it’s left me struggling to pick up a pen and progress on what I owe. That doesn’t mean I’ve written nothing, it just hasn’t been up to the standards I’ve set for myself, but I’m sure I’m being harsh. I haven’t let my beta/editor read it yet, but I will. Soon.

Add on top of that, my newsletter site is no longer working, my author emails haven’t been forwarding, AND my partner and I just moved clear across the country AND I hit the big 4-0 right at the end of the trip. It’s been a lot, but I’m hanging in there while I try to adjust to working on East Coast time while living on West Coast time and trying to make the apartment we’ve moved into feel less cavernous. We pretty much took nothing but our PCs, our clothes, and our cats. I’ll write more about that at a later time, but I’ll include some photos.

I don’t think I’ll have any offerings before the end of the year, but 2025 is a whole new ballgame. Watch this space. And if I don’t have anything out before the end of first quarter 2025, I owe everyone reading this a nickel.

(this is not a binding contract. I am a broke indie author please have mercy.)

ALSO! I was recently made aware that my little incentive link isn’t working and hasn’t been for SOME TIME.

So for all interested, here is a copy of that freebie plus one more that should have been available a millennia ago.



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