Updates from a  Newsletter

Updates from a Newsletter

Just wanted to post my goings on from my most recent newsletter here, for posterity.

This month, I’m a part of Ashlee Nicole Bye’s MM Book Fair along with several other authors. You also have the chance to enter and win a $50 Amazon gift card! Give it a look if you’ve got the time.
But that’s not all I’m bringing this letter. If you follow me on Twitter, you might know about #commissiongate. For those of you who don’t, just before Christmas, I commissioned an artist whose work I loved to create some artwork based off of a scene in Enrai. I had hoped it would be complete in time for the book’s release back in February, but due to some misunderstandings on both our parts, that didn’t happen. Well, it’s done now and you guys are getting the first look.
You can see the full picture by clicking here. Do you remember what scene inspired this picture? Let me know on the Facebook group once the picture’s live there.It was International Nurses Day this month (sharing the day with Mothers Day no less) and we had some fun stuff posted over on the Facebook Group.
My last bit of business I have for you today is another announcement. I’ve started a Patreon for my writing. There’s no obligation to sign up for this at all. Most of you have already bought my books and left reviews and I appreciate that immensely. But, if you want to support me in another way, this is an option. There are only 4 tiers right now with varying rewards that I think sound pretty fair, but I’m toying with the idea of another where I can send physical swag when I have it available. I already have some ideas of what I want to make, but I’m interested in seeing if anyone else has an idea they’d want to share of what they’d want to make.Again, there’s no obligation to sign up, it’s just another option.Until next time.